Thursday, September 25, 2008

Falling In Love... With Jesus

I have been reading the amazing book, titled "Falling in Love with Jesus". I haven't finished reading it yet, I am only up to the third of fourth chapter and it has taken me years to even get this far. I love reading but I have to get into the book to keep going. I have really enjoyed reading it so far and I would recommend it to any women out there who are struggling with wanting a husband. This book had shed some light and will motivate you to just fall in love with Jesus.

There is this quote on the back of the book and some people who have read my facebook status would have read this. "If women would yearn for closeness with Jesus the way they yearn for closeness with an earthly mate, their lives would be absolutely transformed." How amazing is this statement. The authors of this book open up their lives for us as readers to delve into their lives and learn and grow.

This book has shown me that it is important to put God first in all things especially in this area of our lives. When we trust him he will bring the right man or women into our lives. I’m sure that there is not ‘one’ specific person out there but God has already written the book of our life and I for one want to get to know the one who knows what is going to happen next.

This book talks about how we progress through three stages in our relationship with God and it can be the same with our earthly partner: First Love, Wilderness Love, Invincible Love

The books shares on Mary of Bethany’s life in regards to these three stages.

- First Love: Luke 10:38-41
- Wilderness Love: John 11:1-44
- Invincible Love: John 12: 1-8

As you read these verses you will notice how Mary grows in her love for the Lord and how it reaches this last stage of Invincible Love. The book shares that unfortunately most believers never make it to this last stage. They love God and have times of intimacy with Him but their lives are devoid of passion for Him.

I don’t know about you but I want to reach this last stage of Invincible Love, that no matter what happens in life whether great or tragedy, I want to know that I have a tender, and mature relationship with Christ.

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