Saturday, September 13, 2008

Dissipation & Decisions

The definition of DISSIPATION according to the back of my TNIV Bible is: Living only for your own pleasure; wasting your life on foolish or evil pleasures.

Wow what a bold statement! When have we not done this? Tonight at youth we were in our care groups and we were discussing decisions we make and how it is important to choose the ones that are right. When I say 'right', like c'mon how do we know what is the right decision to make, there are soo many choices and a lot of them seem right. They don't seem to be dangerous, or harmful to me, what do I choose.

Proverbs 16: 25 says, "There is a way that appears to be right, but in the end it leads to death."

I believe this is where we have to be sensitive to the Holy Spirit who will guide us to the 'right' decision. Back to the word dissipation and the decisions we make, there is a lot to consider. I believe if we are not listening to where God wants us to be and only act on decisions from our own feelings, this is where the 'way... leads to death'. Wasting our lives on foolish things is a wrong decision, some great questions I have been asking myself; How much time do I spend on things that do not produce something of worth in my life? Do the things I do contribute to my studies, my growth as a person and in God, Am I living to build my relationships with other people? There are so many decisions we make every day and it is hard to get them all right, like what our parents always tell us - we need to think before we act.

What a challenge... to get up every morning and say 'God, there are going to be so many decisions I will have to make today, Please help me choose the path that will lead to life and not destruction.'

1 comment:

Shane Hatton said...

Hey Michelle,

I'm so proud of you.. Keep the blogs coming they are looking great. Just keep praying and writing and you will be surprised at how much you grow

Be Blesses
