Thursday, November 20, 2008

Habits of Mind

What is a habit of mind? At uni we have learnt about Arthur Costa and his 16 Habits of Mind.

'A "Habit of Mind” means having a disposition toward behaving intelligently when confronted with problems, the answers to which are not immediately known. When humans experience dichotomies, are confused by dilemmas, or come face to face with uncertainties--our most effective actions require drawing forth certain patterns of intellectual behavior. When we draw upon these intellectual resources, the results that are produced through are more powerful, of higher quality and greater significance than if we fail to employ those patterns of intellectual behaviors.' (

The 16 Habits of Mind Arthur has developed are:
1. Persisting
2. Thinking and communicating with clarity and precision
3. Managing impulsivity
4. Gathering data through all senses
5. Listening with understanding and empathy
6. Creating, imagining, innovating
7. Thinking flexibly
8. Responding with wonderment and awe
9. Thinking about thinking (metacognition)
10. Taking responsible risks
11. Striving for accuracy
12. Finding humor
13. Questioning and posing problems
14. Thinking interdependently
15. Applying past knowledge to new situations
16. Remaining open to continuous learning

Why do you think it is important to know these habits? These habits are actually attributes of what humans do when they behave intelligently. Costa says that these attributes are the characteristics of what intelligent people do when they are faced with problems.

As God has given us the ability to think I believe it is up to us whether or not we use our thinking wisely. Especially when we know that this life is full of situations we do not know the answer to instinctively.

Those of us who are leaders should take a hold of these habits as they can help shape our thinking so we can become the best leader we can be.

Keep reading these blogs as I research each habit more in depth.


Wednesday, November 12, 2008


"A ship in the harbor is safe, but that is not the purpose of a ship."

A Christian in the church is safe, but that is not the purpose of a Christian.

Yes we are instructed to have fellowship one with another as a church but what is our true purpose??

Matthew 28:18-20
18 And Jesus came and spoke to them, saying, “All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. 19 Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” Amen.

We are not called to stay but to go!!

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Falling In Love... With Jesus

I have been reading the amazing book, titled "Falling in Love with Jesus". I haven't finished reading it yet, I am only up to the third of fourth chapter and it has taken me years to even get this far. I love reading but I have to get into the book to keep going. I have really enjoyed reading it so far and I would recommend it to any women out there who are struggling with wanting a husband. This book had shed some light and will motivate you to just fall in love with Jesus.

There is this quote on the back of the book and some people who have read my facebook status would have read this. "If women would yearn for closeness with Jesus the way they yearn for closeness with an earthly mate, their lives would be absolutely transformed." How amazing is this statement. The authors of this book open up their lives for us as readers to delve into their lives and learn and grow.

This book has shown me that it is important to put God first in all things especially in this area of our lives. When we trust him he will bring the right man or women into our lives. I’m sure that there is not ‘one’ specific person out there but God has already written the book of our life and I for one want to get to know the one who knows what is going to happen next.

This book talks about how we progress through three stages in our relationship with God and it can be the same with our earthly partner: First Love, Wilderness Love, Invincible Love

The books shares on Mary of Bethany’s life in regards to these three stages.

- First Love: Luke 10:38-41
- Wilderness Love: John 11:1-44
- Invincible Love: John 12: 1-8

As you read these verses you will notice how Mary grows in her love for the Lord and how it reaches this last stage of Invincible Love. The book shares that unfortunately most believers never make it to this last stage. They love God and have times of intimacy with Him but their lives are devoid of passion for Him.

I don’t know about you but I want to reach this last stage of Invincible Love, that no matter what happens in life whether great or tragedy, I want to know that I have a tender, and mature relationship with Christ.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

What does Church mean to you?

Well, after thinking about this, I believe it is about a family. Remember those Christmas reunions where you haven't seen your cousins, aunts and uncles in five years and you finally meet them; those cousins who have had kids that you have never met. In all of this you spend the day getting to know each other again, reminiscing about the last time you met. At one stage everyone is sad because there are some family members who can't make it. There are some cousins you don't really want to see because they rubbed you up the wrong way last time, but now you dust it off and go and chat and play and beat each other up again ... Oh the good times.

This is what I want to see Church like. It doesn’t matter where you meet as long as everyone is there. ‘Church’ to me are the people. We are a family. We meet every week, sing together, listen together, pray together and chat together. We share what has happened during the week, reminisce about good times, share our dreams for the future, and encourage those who are struggling. We are a family.

F - Forgiveness
A - Acceptance
M - Mindful
I - Interested
L - Listen
Y - Yourself

These are 6 things I believe are the genetic make-up of a FAMILY. Forgiveness: it doesn't matter how bad we are offended at someone, we always forgive them because we are related. Acceptance: We put away where we come from, what we do for a living, and love each other for who we all are. Mindful: My older brother always watched out for me, at school, on the bus, hey that is what a big brother or sister is for and I believe this should be seen in the church. Interested: It is not just a 'How are you?' but a 'Really... How are you?' I want someone who is interested in me and doesn't just past me with a hi-bye type of attitude (I'm still working on this in my own life... you can even get busy in church- take a chill pill and stop) Listen: Again this is about not being self-centered and really paying attention to our brothers and sisters in Christ. Finally - Yourself: This is a big one... so many of us put on a mask every Sunday (and for girls - literally hehe) and we hide who we really are, we don't want people to see that we are not 'perfect' and that sometimes we are hurt or get down.

The underlying thought for all of this is LOVE and it should be a given, it is what we are all seeking and it is what we should be giving. GOD is LOVE.

I pray as we think about these things that we consider... well I am a part of the church, am I doing these things? We can't change overnight but all it takes is one step at a time.

God Bless

Dissipation & Decisions

The definition of DISSIPATION according to the back of my TNIV Bible is: Living only for your own pleasure; wasting your life on foolish or evil pleasures.

Wow what a bold statement! When have we not done this? Tonight at youth we were in our care groups and we were discussing decisions we make and how it is important to choose the ones that are right. When I say 'right', like c'mon how do we know what is the right decision to make, there are soo many choices and a lot of them seem right. They don't seem to be dangerous, or harmful to me, what do I choose.

Proverbs 16: 25 says, "There is a way that appears to be right, but in the end it leads to death."

I believe this is where we have to be sensitive to the Holy Spirit who will guide us to the 'right' decision. Back to the word dissipation and the decisions we make, there is a lot to consider. I believe if we are not listening to where God wants us to be and only act on decisions from our own feelings, this is where the 'way... leads to death'. Wasting our lives on foolish things is a wrong decision, some great questions I have been asking myself; How much time do I spend on things that do not produce something of worth in my life? Do the things I do contribute to my studies, my growth as a person and in God, Am I living to build my relationships with other people? There are so many decisions we make every day and it is hard to get them all right, like what our parents always tell us - we need to think before we act.

What a challenge... to get up every morning and say 'God, there are going to be so many decisions I will have to make today, Please help me choose the path that will lead to life and not destruction.'

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Shaped by a Jeweller

I’ve been thinking… and that’s scary :) Why does it take so long to actually listen to what God is trying to tell us? It seems like we are holding onto something and we know it is not healthy for our lives but we want to keep it. We are hurt if we don’t have it. God has been challenging me to give up certain things that are not necessarily bad, but are unhealthy for me. I know God will ask of us to get rid of different things in our lives and it is hard to let go but when you come to a point where nothing else matters except God this is when you decide to let go. It always seems that we leave it to the point when we can no longer take it; no longer live the way we are living. A lot of us have heard is preached from the stage yet we still don’t grasp what is being asked of us. I have heard an analogy. When you buy a diamond ring you see it for its beauty but you don’t see what it has been through.

First it has been separated from the rest of the group and is cleaned. This cleaning is not just an easy washing, someone had to scrub away the dirt. This rock has started out the size of a golf ball, how did it get to the size of a 1 carat diamond? The edges had to be cut away, these edges were not bad but it was necessary for the purpose of the stone. The stone is shaped and polished and in time it becomes a beautiful piece of jewelry. The stone would not have fit into the clasp on the ring until it had been shaped. This is what is happening to us, to me. God has an amazing purpose and for us to be able to “fit” we to have to be shaped, scrubbed, polished. This process hurts but the final product is beautiful!

I want to encourage all who read this that even though you may be going through a tough time the final product is worth it.

Jeremiah 29:11-13 “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future. Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me will all your heart.”