Saturday, February 7, 2009

Are you a Visionary??

Last night at youth we had to people come to the Lord, one for the first time and also a recommitment. Also I spoke about being a Visionary.

Proverbs 29:18 says - Where there is no vision [no redemptive revelation of God], the people perish... Without vision we will never get anywhere in life. It is like we are on a rocking horse, using all our effort to rock that horse. After exhausting our enery we are no closer to who or what we want to become.

So where do you want to get in life? Some people have never had a vision for the future. Some have a vision but are stuck; you don’t know what to do next. Thirdly some people have had a vision but were discouraged in some way and have abandoned that vision.

The story of Joseph in Genesis is a great example for us. He had no vision, then he received one. When he told his brothers they shut him down... he was stuck. However... he never gave up on that vision, the vision God gave him. He was created for a purpose and because he kept going he fulfilled that vision and dream.

So vision; many people have heard of a vision statement, mainly to do with businesses. For them a vision is a guiding image of what success looks like. It answers the question what do you wish to become. For us as Boom Youth our vision is that we would be a Voice and not an echo. This is a corporate vision, it is not meant to give you vision but to stir up your personal vision. So what is your vision?

Do you have a vision for your life? The vision that God has predestined you for?? Are you a visionary??

I want to be... I choose to be a visionary.

Action steps:
1. Start to think, ponder, dream about who and what you want to become.
2. Ask God to show you things and write them down.
3. Think of steps you can take to achieve your vision.

- Michelle Buckle

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