Saturday, January 31, 2009


Well it finally came!!! My first youth night for the year... Ok for those who don't know, I am the new youth leader @ Heritage Christian Centre. I have been waiting for this night to come... I was soo excited and the night went really well!!! We started off with a song and then got into some games with food... gota love cheeze balls. Then we had a shopping challenge and one of our reguar boys won. Our youth music team finished their song set (They had a new song called 'Saved' by CCC in America).

I shared with the youth about why we are called Boom Youth. Our Church's mission statement is, ‘To provide an active example and witness to the community of the reality of Christ within our lives and within our church.’ Boom Youth is called to be a VOICE and not and Echo.

Boom Youth exists to empower young people, that is you, who are purpose built by God, who stand up, step out and shake the status-quo of the previous generation. If we work together we can empower each other to stand up, step out and shake the status-quo.

I spoke from In 1 Timothy 4 and how we as a youth group have a voice and can share about God. And how they should not worry about what other people say, especially if it is to do with the fact that they are young, as in chapter 12 Paul writes; Don’t let anyone think less of you because you are young. Be an example to all believers in what you say, in the way you live, in your love, your faith, and your purity.

I wasn't sure how many people to expext... but we had around 70 people and we had 1 recommitment. God is truely amazing!!


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